Sunday, September 19, 2010

Touchscreen Fad or Fab?

With the recent surge of the touchscreen interface into the market place, I've been wondering if it is mearly a fad or will it completely replace our current interface.  On the phone side of things I can see how it would be more aesthetically pleasing in the pocket to have a device with an on screen keyboard for text input. However when it comes to the PC market to this day no on screen keyboard is 100% perfect, if fact most are far from it.  A recent story broke that the CEO of Best Buy claims that the IPad has cut netbook sales nearly in half, now the keyword here is netbook. Not laptop or PC, but where if any in the timeline would the tablet PC begin to eat the lunch of the full blown laptop. Personally at the end of the day I don't feel that the touch display could ever replace the old keyboard.  I look at as the same as the classic game controller to the motion control on the market. Will the next consoles be all motion related? I think not!

Comment back and lemme know what you think.


  1. Depends on what the touch screen is on.

  2. touchscreen is new so that's why it's marketing so well

  3. i love touch screen, but i can't use it efficeently cuz i have bigger fingers then normal :D
    non the less, good post..

  4. Supporting! awesome post, make sure to check mine out

  5. great blog bro check out mine share the love

  6. lol
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  7. I prefer touchscreen for my phones but for me a touchscreen on a PC just isn't as practical.

  8. Touch screen for small devices, yes!
    It cuts the size of the device and allows for a bigger screen. Now as far as touch screen on a full sized PC.... NEVER!

  9. Totally fab. It's one step closer to interactive holograms, man!
